07713 552 858

Bowen in the Workplace

There is a real opportunity in these financially difficult times, for companies, large and small, to minimise the financial and organisational problems caused by both short-term and long-term employee absenteeism.

An investment in targeted Bowen Therapy can provide valuable assistance in maintaining the health and well-being of employees, increasing efficiency, enhancing productivity and reducing the cost of sick pay.

There are many situations where the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and/or emotional strain 'comes with the job'. For example:

  • Production line workers
  • Lifting, bending and stretching
  • Shelf-stackers
  • Shop assistants
  • Jobs involving prolonged standing
  • Check-out staff
  • Office workers
  • Work requiring employees to sit for long periods of time
  • Computer and visual display unit operators
  • Jobs involving shoulders, arms, wrists and hands in repetitive actions for long hours
  • Sales personnel
  • Operating under constant pressure to meet targets or driving long distances
  • Supervisor roles, Managers and Executives
  • Long hours and shift work causing stress

Bowen has a particularly strong record of success in improving back pain, which is responsible for some 14 million working days lost every year in Britain. It regularly provides relief to sufferers for whom conventional treatment has failed to help. A national study, carried out by BTPA in the summer of 2006, showed that 95% of back pain sufferers experienced either complete relief or a marked improvement, after a series of no more than three Bowen sessions.

Bowen can be seen as a responsible way of improving and maintaining the welfare of employees, for example, in the context of the Health and Safety Executive's 'Better Backs' initiative.

Working with local Bowen Therapy practitioners

Through BTPA's national network of members, Bowen can be conveniently and directly delivered to staff, on-site or off-site, by local, registered practitioners.

Specific agreements can be developed to meet organisational schedules and, if required, methods of recording progress can be set up in order to help companies evaluate impact.

A very cost effective option

Bowen offers the following advantages to any organisation concerned with the costs involved with staff healthcare:

  • An extremely competitive fee structure, whether on-site or off-site
  • A belief that too frequent or unnecessary sessions are detrimental rather than helpful
  • A higher than average success rate with symptoms where all else has failed or recovery has stalled
  • Specific rates for Bowen therapy will vary from area to area and whether the session is carried out on-site or off-site. An hourly or daily rate will therefore need to be negotiated on an individual basis. However, short-term injury is usually resolved in 1 - 3 sessions, while long-standing symptoms may require longer.

Many private health insurance companies’ benefits now include Bowen Therapy.


For more information about the sort of health problems with which Bowen can assist, please see the 'Testimonials' section of the website.

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