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Testimonials & Case Studies


What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Breast pain following treatment for breast cancer

Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I have been suffering from a painful stiff neck and painful breast following intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment for breast cancer. I was also suffering general aches and pains in my lower back. I had a series of 5 weekly treatments and the improvement in all areas was remarkable. After each treatment my neck felt considerably better and I was able to move it from side to side easily. The pain and discomfort in my breast (which I had been experiencing for the 18 months following treatment) improved dramatically after one Bowen treatment and has not returned. My lower back no longer causes me problems either.

Reference: 00443, FEB. 2011 [277]
Client: D
Therapist: Rosemary Cunningham



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