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Testimonials & Case Studies


What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Pelvic movement, Neck pain

How did your complaint(s)/symptom(s) affect you?:

Bellringing, gardening affected.

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:

Fully resumed activities.

Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

Great difference in movement and ability to resume all activities.

Reference: 1793 [967]
Client: JMD
Therapist: Danielle Mitchell

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) / Pelvic pain

Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I am a hospital doctor and a mother of 2 children. I had an uneventful first pregnancy with a normal vaginal delivery. During my second pregnancy, I had pain in my sacrum from 10 weeks of pregnancy. At that time, I was diagnosed with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). I was unable to walk, drive my car or do any normal work. I had to give up work at that time. Following this, I became totally house-bound. I was finding it very difficult to perform the normal activities of daily living. Looking after my daughter just added to my burden. I was unable to bend, sit, stand or lie down for a long time. Shuffling in bed from one position to another took 3-5 minutes. Getting out of bed took longer. It was so frustrating and so time-consuming. By this time I was crawling and I was given a pair of crutches for support. It helped, but the pain and the disability were still there. It was unbearable and present throughout the day and night. Strong painkillers were not an option. Paracetamol did not work. I looked through various articles on SPD, but I did not find any convincing answer for this problem, until one of the research midwives suggested trying the Bowen Technique. Even though I was not a great believer in complementary therapies, I was ready to try anything safe, to try to get some relief. I started having Bowen at 35 weeks of pregnancy. To my surprise, it worked like a miracle. I started walking without support immediately after the first session and the pain score reduced by half in the next couple of days. Even though I needed very frequent sessions (every 5-7 days), it gave me the much-needed relief. The technique consisted of very small, gentle moves in the affected areas of the body. I was ready to try this because it was non-invasive, did not have any side-effects, like drugs do, and I was reasonably sure that it would not affect my baby. Labour: My membranes ruptured a day before and again I had Bowen to accelerate the progress of labour. It worked again. The whole labour lasted for two and a half hours in total. After delivery, I had some more Bowen therapy. I would recommend the Bowen Technique to anyone in a similar situation. I consider myself fortunate to have learned about this, even though I started the therapy sessions very much later in my pregnancy. I would not wish any pregnant woman to suffer from so much pain and disability. I sincerely hope that this will help health care providers to recognise the symptoms more quickly and avoid the suffering due to SPD.

Reference: T16, OCT. 2005 [653]
Client: Dr. Anitha Jai
Therapist: Christine Burd

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:


Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I first suffered the symptoms of SPD in the last four weeks of my second pregnancy, but was unaware of this until it came back during the following pregnancy in 2002. At 22 weeks I was in a wheelchair and was told I would need an early Caesarean section. So, at 27 weeks I had my baby and for the first time in 15 weeks walked unaided, no crutches, no wheeelchair, able to move again! After talks with my consultant, I was sterilized four months later, as the possibility of not being able to walk again if I became pregnant for a fourth time was not something I could tolerate. Thinking that was the end of my SPD episode, I continued with my family life. However, during my periods I suffered intense pain in the pubis, numbness in my legs and sharp pains in my hips, especially the right one. As time went on, the episodes went from manageable discomfort for three days every month to sporadic episodes lasting three weeks, when I couldn't move far from the house. I couldn't drive, needed help to get dressed and washed and took very strong painkillers. I was also prescribed diazepam. In a chance meeting, a lady, seeing how much pain I was in, approached me and suggested that I visit Erica Moss to chat about the Bowen Technique. For the first time ever, SPD was explained to me and during that meeting I learned more about my body than I had in the past 8 years. So, early in the summer of 2009, I had my first experience of Bowen. Since then, I've had one grumble of pain which lasted a day at the most. I'm trying to think, as I write this, when that was and for how long, but I honestly can't remember. This is completely unlike the previous episodes, when I could have told you who came to visit me, which family trips I missed, how I had to use crutches on a family holiday, how I could only wear slip-on shoes because I couldn't bend and how I was stuck in bed or on the sofa, feeling numb from the waist down, miserable, frustrated and totally reliant on other people. But not any more, thanks to Bowen and Erica. I have gradually learned to trust my healed body, because at first I was worried that the SPD would come back, worse than before, if I started to live my life again. I am doing exercises to strengthen core muscles, walking for miles each day, playing cricket and altogether leading a more normal life.

Reference: T17, 2009 [652]
Client: Nicky
Therapist: Erica Moss

Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I am so grateful to have found Bowen therapy. It is the only treatment that has given me relief from my Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction and being pregnant I have found the treatment to be a very relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Reference: 01074, FEB 2011 [651]
Client: RP
Therapist: Sam Roze

Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I experienced severe pelvic pain while pregnant. 3 weeks on NHS physio prescribed crutches. After one Bowen treatment I was pain free for 3 weeks. I then had two or three further treatments towards the end of the pregnancy. They greatly relieved my pain to the point where I was able to walk without crutches and was able to continue to work up until 3 weeks before my due date.

Reference: 01073, FEB 2011 [650]
Client: CA
Therapist: Hilary Campbell-Martin

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Tilted Pelvis

How did your complaint(s)/symptom(s) affect you?:

Walking properly, pain under foot when walking

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:

Fully, very good, pain started to disappear within a week.

Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I have been for bad arm also, couldn't lift anything, so painful, but after treatment was able to use it again after 1 week. Second day very painful, but gradually improved by end of week. Wonderful

Reference: 01203-02-12 [649]
Client: DB
Therapist: Richie McCurdy

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Fell while skiing and injured my left sitting bone

How did your complaint(s)/symptom(s) affect you?:

Sitting for any length of time, ached all the time

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:


Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

At the same time as having the Bowen Technique, I had an assessment done by occupational health and got a new seat which also contributed to resuming normal activities. I found the Bowen Technique very relaxing. I had improvement following the treatments. It is impossible to be sure how much the individual contribution of the Bowen Technique was but I am sure it helped. Rachael was very honest and said she did not know for sure if it would help. I found her very good at explaining what she was doing, thoughtful and professional. I would recommend the Technique provided by Rachael to others.

Reference: 01359-9-13 [648]
Client: PW
Therapist: Rachael Cavanagh



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